Killing floor 2 scrake health
Killing floor 2 scrake health

killing floor 2 scrake health killing floor 2 scrake health killing floor 2 scrake health

If a Berserker gets their Pulverizer early on, they are pretty much set for the whole game and can donate to the cause the easiest out of all the classes. reception area in Biotics) although being near one isn’t always a bad idea. DON’T camp anywhere you have Zeds dropping down on you (e.g.DO have an exit strategy whenever you’re camping out a spot.When it’s time to leave a camp spot, and leave it fast, DO let people know that you’re ready to run, and try to keep an eye out behind you for anyone else who finds prudence the better part of valor.DON’T get mad if the team scatters a little so long as they rendezvous back with you once the big stuff start showing up.If you’re going to wander (picking up weapons, upping your kill count where others aren’t sniping them away from you), DO have a good idea when the big stuff is really coming in and how to get back.With the current available classes, it is difficult for single players to take on a Fleshpound or Scrake on their own. DO stick with your team as much as possible.There are a number of different and yet viable areas to stick around in for a while. DON’T make a big stink out of it if the team chooses to camp a spot that’s different than your usual.It will auto-lock onto a target from a very forgiving distance for hip-firing.) It can fire 2 medic darts per 100% charge. The Scrake is a heavy enemy that looks like a butcher with a chainsaw for an arm.(The HMTech-101 Pistol. It is quite slow moving in its neutral state, but it will become enraged under certain conditions. You must get the last hit on the Scrake to earn this trophy.Ī Scrake will become enraged once its health drops below a threshold of 50% in Normal difficulty and 90% in Hell on Earth difficulty (and interpolated values between the two). Scrakes will also become enraged if they are set on fire. On harder difficulties, Scrakes will become enraged if you leave them alone too long so be careful when kiting them around the map. Unlike the Fleshpound, once the Scrake becomes enraged, it will dash towards the nearest player and swing at them. Scrake attacks can be parried with a melee weapon! Scrakes do not disengage from their rage mode until killed. Scrakes will swing at you if you get too close but not become enraged. You must get the kill shot to achieve this trophy, this is why it is best to do this in solo. This is likely to come naturally but you run the risk of someone else getting the final hit each time. The quickest way to do this is to start a Survival match on Normal with 4 rounds, playing solo.The Scrake's weak spots are its Head and Torso.The Scrake has a high chance of blocking any damage done to its torso, which is why headshots are the best course of action.Support, Commando and Gunslinger headshots do the most damage.

Killing floor 2 scrake health